18 May Seven tips for an awesome pregnancy
Nine months (give or take) of no hangovers, no periods, no birth control concerns, a credible excuse to get out of anything you don’t want to do and the superpower of growing a human — pregnancy has its perks! As an acupuncturist specializing in pregnancy, an experienced doula and a mama of two spirited blondies here are my tips for an awesome pregnancy: Hire a doula! Doulas are incredible. Regardless of the type of birth you think you want, having a doula will be helpful in more ways than you can imagine. You will get to know your doula over several prenatal visits. They will be at your birth as well as follow up with postpartum visits. At your birth, your doula will hold space for you and your partner providing you a general sense of security with their presence. Your doula will help you cope with labor both physically and emotionally. They will also offer nonjudgmental support and information about your choices and options. Your doula is an intuitive wealth of information who is well connected to the resources in your community that will benefit you in pregnancy and postpartum. Research even confirms that having a doula present at your birth is associated with fewer interventions and better birth outcomes! If you live in Portland, check out the amazing doulas on my referrals page. Ditch the fear. Sure, it’s natural to be afraid of the unknown and for most of...